Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just another day

Yup, it's just another day here. Luckily though no work until Monday Yea! Tomorrow, Jake will be sleeping all day so he can go to work, nothing new as he works most turkey days. Instead of going to the mother in laws I am heading over to a friend's dinner. She was kind enough to invite me over. I have 2 pies in the oven as we speak. I am not talented enough to make my own pie crust and the ones I bought were too shallow for one pie like the recipe calls for so I'm taking two.

The cheese cake for Jake to take to work is in the fridge and all that's left is for me to hit the sack.

Have a great day everyone. May your turkeys be juicy and your stuffing moist. May your day be bright and full of joy.

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